My First Victorinox (with wood
For little adventurers who also want to discover new things out in nature! My First Victorinox II has nine features - so they can do what they need to do to evolve and have fun along the way. The tip from the blade is removed to keep them secure.
- Blade, large with rounded tip
- Bottle opener
- Canned opener
- Screwdriver 5 mm
- Wire puller
- Wood saw
- Keychain
- Toothpick
- Tweezers
Height 14 mm
Length 84 mm
Width 23 mm
Weight 45 g
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About the brand
Victorinox, the maker of the original Swiss army knife, doesn’t only deliver their famous knives to the Swiss army but also knives and tools for today’s and future’s challenges if they are either at home or at the office, by the kitchen counter or in the gourmet kitchen, in the garden or in the wilderness. No matter if you need a tweezers to pull the splinter out of your finger, a USB memory stick to save the presentation or a knife to fillet the salmon with you will find something that can be used. Except for knives and tools Victorinox’s range now also include Victorinox Swiss Army watches and Victorinox Travel Gear bags and suitcases.